Share the Dream
If the message conveyed in “Meet Me At The Mountain” has served to inspire you, then perhaps you can share our dream with others--here are some suggestions.
- Consider giving the Meet Me At The Mountain book/DVD adventure to friends or even strangers as a gift.
- If you have a website or blog, please consider sharing your thoughts and feelings about the Meet Me At The Mountain book/DVD adventure and how it touched your life.
- Recommend that they visit our website and share our link.
- Ask the book editor of your local newspaper or radio to consider reviewing the Meet Me At The Mountain book/DVD adventure.
- Write a Meet Me At The Mountain book review for Barnes and Noble, Borders, or a blog.
- Ask your favorite radio station to play the Meet Me At The Mountain music version of the book and to have the author as a guest. Note: Local media often give more consideration to the requests of their listeners than the press releases of publicists.
- If you own a children’s store, or outdoor retail business, please consider putting a display of Meet Me At The Mountain merchandise in a location for sale to your customers., etc.
- If you belong to a book club or know (authors, teachers, etc.) have them review the Meet Me At The Mountain book/DVD adventure and make comments in their websites, newsletters, etc.
- Encourage your local library to buy the Meet Me At The Mountain book/ DVD adventure.
- Buy the Meet Me At The Mountain book/DVD adventure and donate it to your local school system, special education department in the name of someone special who has inspired you.
- Buy the Meet Me At The Mountain book/DVD adventure and donate it to your local hospital or children’s medical center in the name of someone special who has inspired you.
- Encourage your local independent and local chain bookstores to carry the Meet Me At The Mountain book/DVD adventure.
- Please direct the media to our website
Thank you for your support!